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Viewing Direct Debit transactions

Get a comprehensive look at the Direct Debit transactions processed via your Blink Page, Taken Payments, and Requested Payments (through PayLinks) features. With the option to connect to or create a GoCardless account, manage direct debit payments on Blink seamlessly alongside other payments.

Viewing Direct Debit transactions

To access the Direct Debit Transaction History:

  • Navigate to the left-hand side panel.
  • Click on Direct Debits under the Reporting section.

GoCardless Set Up

To utilize Direct Debit within Blink:

  1. Connect a GoCardless Account: Either link your existing GoCardless account or set up a new one through the Transaction page.
  2. Test Account: Set up a test account with GoCardless to familiarize yourself with the feature before going live.

Transaction History: Direct Debits

This section provides details on every Direct Debit transaction you've executed. Each transaction displays:

  • Customer Name: The name of the individual or entity making the payment.
  • Reference: Transaction-specific reference or code.
  • Requested Date: Date when the payment request was made.
  • Customer Email: Contact email of the payer.
  • Amount: Monetary value of the transaction.
  • Charged Date: Date when the payer was charged.

Additionally, the Completed Date reveals when the payment reached you. The transaction's Status can fall into one of the following categories:

  • Pending submission: Payment initialized but not sent to the banking system.
  • Pending customer approval: Customer indicated multiple authorizations needed on the mandate form.
  • Submitted: Payment submitted to the banking system.
  • Confirmed: Payment approved and completed by the customer's bank.
  • Paid out: Funds transferred to your designated account.
  • Failed: Payment could not be processed.
  • Cancelled: Payment was halted before the charge date.
  • Charged back: Funds were returned to the customer as per Direct Debit regulations.

Further Actions

Transaction Filters:

  • Charge Date: Filter by specific charge dates.
  • Customer: Filter transactions by the customer's name or identifier.
  • Status: Filter transactions by their current status.

Manage Direct Debits:

  • To modify or view details of your Direct Debit clients, go to the Manage Direct Debits page located in the Customer Centre.