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Gift Aid transaction history

In this guide, we delve into the functionalities of the Gift Aid Transaction History page and its general information.

Gift Aid transaction history


In this guide, we delve into the functionalities of the Gift Aid Transaction History page and its general information.

Gift Aid enhances the value of donations to charities, allowing them to reclaim an additional 25% on every donation when the donor opts for Gift Aid. This effectively means an extra 25p for every £1 donated in a charitable transaction. For integration of Gift Aid with your Card and Open Banking donations:

  1. Contact the Support Team for activation.
  2. Note that an additional fee applies.
  3. Specify if you'd like the feature added to Requested Payments (PayLinks) and/or your Blink Pages.

When donors choose Gift Aid, they must complete a declaration.

Claiming Gift Aid

Donor Specifications

  • To view Gift Aid transactions:

    • Go to the Reports page.
    • Under the Transactions tab on the left-hand navigation bar, choose the Gift Aid tab.
    • This displays transactions where Gift Aid was selected.
  • Filter the transaction by date if necessary.

  • Download the transaction details by clicking on 'Export to CSV' at the table's base.

  • The data should then be disclosed to HMRC to secure your Gift Aid claim.

For a successful Gift Aid claim:

  • The donor should have paid an equal or higher amount in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax within that fiscal year.
  • Donors must submit a Gift Aid declaration allowing the claim.
  • Only recognised charities or community amateur sports clubs (CASC) can make a claim.


Assuming the donor is a basic rate taxpayer:

  • They pay 20% tax to HMRC over earnings of £125, which is £25.
  • The donor retains £100, which they then donate.
  • If they authorize a Gift Aid declaration, the charity can reclaim the £25 tax paid to HMRC.
  • Thus, after claiming Gift Aid, the charity receives a total of £125.